
In v3.0, FluxComponent requires React 0.13. If you’re still on React 0.12, keep using Flummox 2.x until you’re able to upgrade.

Access the Flux instance and subscribe to store updates. Refer to the React integration guide for more information.

<FluxComponent connectToStores={{
  posts: store => ({
    post: store.getPost(this.props.post.id),
  comments: store => ({
    comments: store.getCommentsForPost(this.props.post.id),
  <InnerComponent />

In general, it’s recommended to use FluxComponent instead of fluxMixin.

State getters

The stateGetter prop can be used to control how state from stores are transformed into props:

  connectToStores={['posts', 'session']}
  stateGetter={([postStore, sessionStore]) => ({
    posts: store.getPostForUser(sessionStore.getCurrentUserId())
  <InnerComponent />

The stateGetter prop behaves differently depending on the value passed to the connectToStores prop, refer to fluxMixin for more details.

Access flux with this.props.flux

In the child component, you can access the Flux instance with this.props.flux. For example, to perform an action:

onClick(e) {

Custom rendering

With FluxComponent, state from your stores is automatically passed as props to its children. This is nice for simple cases, especially when there’s only a single child. But for more complex cases, or if you want direct control over rendering, you can pass a custom render function prop to FluxComponent:

// Using children
<FluxComponent connectToStores={{
  posts: store => ({
    post: store.getPost(this.props.postId),
  <InnerComponent />

// Using custom `render` function
    posts: store => ({
      post: store.getPost(this.props.postId),
  render={storeState => {
    // Render whatever you want
    return <InnerComponent {...storeState} />;



Indicates the Flux instance to be used. It will be added to the context of all its nested components. If unset, it’ll try to infer it from the context.


This prop has the same effect as passing the first argument to fluxMixin's connectToStores().


This prop has the same effect as passing the second argument to fluxMixin's connectToStores().


Optionally overrides the rendering function, useful to control what state is passed down as props to components.